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Watering the Plants

March 20, 2020

Today someone mentioned that the plants at the church need to be watered. This has been the secretary’s responsibility, but she is now self-quarantined at home because of illness. Since I’m here every day, and since we should reduce the number of people coming to the church building, I decided it makes most sense for me to water the plants.

So I filled up several pitchers worth of water and began making the rounds of the various plants inside the church as well as under the front portico. As I did so I had the sense that I was keeping our building properly maintained and beautified for the day when we can all return and worship. Although the church is essentially defined as the congregation, the place in which we meet can’t help but also become sacred. I wouldn’t want the congregation to come back to dried up, dead plants.

In the almost six years that I’ve been in this pastorate, the church’s building has become familiar and beloved to me. I feel honored to do this simple task of watering the plants so that, one day, the congregation will see them again, flourishing.

In the Jewish tradition, at the end of the Seder meal, the participants all say: “Next year in Jerusalem!” It is more than a hope to celebrate the Seder in Jerusalem; it is also an expression of future hope for God’s redeemed world to come. In the same way, we look forward not only to being back in our church building for worship and fellowship meals; we look forward to an even greater gathering of all God’s saints at the banquet of God.

Keep your hope alive and joyful. The best is yet to come.

From → Daily Meditation

One Comment
  1. heather permalink

    Thank you for the reminder to water and nurture someone or something, every day. Looking beyond internal worries, helps find the hope of spring and the coming of Easter.

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